News: Canada

Fraser Health signs for MEDITECH Expanse to support 32 facilities across British Columbia


Fraser Health (Surrey, B.C.) has selected MEDITECH Expanse to transform care and promote better health outcomes for the more than 1.9 million people it serves throughout 20 diverse communities.


MEDITECH celebrates Digital Health Week in Canada


MEDITECH joins Canada in celebrating Digital Health Week (Nov 29 - Dec 5) and all the ways that innovative technologies can improve care access as well as enable patients to manage their conditions, where and how they choose.

Holland Bloorview CEO named to Women's Executive Network Hall of Fame


Julia Hanigsberg, President & CEO of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto, was recently named among Canada’s most powerful CEOs of 2021 by the Women’s Executive Network (WXN). 

Join MEDITECH in recognizing Canadian Patient Safety Week


With the theme, "Who knows? Essential Care Partners do," Healthcare Excellence Canada is offering resources to safely re-integrate essential care partners into patient care as part of Canadian Patient Safety Week.


Greater Ottawa hospitals engage French-speaking communities with MEDITECH's multilingual Patient Portal


The Champlain Association of MEDITECH Partners (CHAMP)a partnership of six hospitals located in Ottawa, Canadarecently completed a project with MEDITECH to develop a Francophone version of their patient portal.

Holland Bloorview CEO along with pediatrician win most powerful leadership awards


Please join us in congratulating Julia Hanigsberg, President & CEO of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto, for recently being named one of Canada’s most powerful CEOs by the Women’s Executive Network (WXN). Holland Bloorview’s Dr. Paige Church, a developmental pediatrician, was also chosen as one of Canada’s 100 most powerful women. 



Gillian Sweeney receives Digital Health CHIA Award for leading Newfoundland and Labrador's EHR adoption


Gillian Sweeney, Vice President of Clinical Information Programs & Change Leadership for the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information (St. John's, NL) recently received the 2020 Leadership in Digital Health CHIA Award. 


Runnymede Healthcare Centre is LIVE with MEDITECH Expanse


By leveraging its innovative partnership with Humber River Hospital, Runnymede Healthcare Centre is LIVE with MEDITECH Expansein just an eight-month timeframe, enabling the organization to move from a completely paper-based system to a fully electronic health record (EHR) solution.

Humber River Hospital's Dr. Tasleem Nimjee Named to Toronto Life's Influentials List


MEDITECH is pleased to congratulate Dr. Tasleem Nimjee, Humber River Hospital (North York, ON) on being named one of the most influential Torontonians of 2020 by Toronto Life.  

MEDITECH celebrates Digital Health Week in Canada


MEDITECH joins Canada in celebrating Digital Health Week (Nov 16-22), as we all look at the ways innovative technologies can maximize efficiencies and make patient care more accessible.



Number of Articles: 48