
Sir Ketumile Teaching Hospital signs for Expanse


Sir Ketumile Teaching Hospital (SKMTH) in Botswana proudly announces signing for MEDITECH Expanse. This strategic move signals SKMTH's commitment to advancing healthcare service, and establishing the organisation as a centre of excellence through state-of-the-art technology, fostering a new era of patient care and administrative efficiency.

The Expanse solution will transform patient care in the following ways:

  • Create a comprehensive, centralised Electronic Health Record (EHR) system that will provide healthcare professionals with real-time access to patient information for improved outcomes and a patient-centric approach to healthcare.
  • Enhance clinical workflows by providing clinicians with evidence-based and experience-based content to streamline workflows and support decision-making, helping to drive efficiency for medical professionals.
  • Interdepartmental connectivity. MEDITECH Expanse fosters seamless communication and collaboration among different hospital departments. This interconnected approach will enhance coordination, leading to a more integrated and patient-centred care experience.

The Expanse signing marks a significant milestone for the institution. As SKMTH embraces the cutting-edge healthcare solution, it paves the way for a future where technology and healthcare seamlessly converge, fostering a higher standard of patient care and administrative efficiency.

Stay tuned for more updates as Sir Ketumile Teaching Hospital embarks on this transformative journey, solidifying its commitment to providing exceptional healthcare services to the people of Botswana.