Effective February 1, 2025, MEDITECH’s official video conferencing solution is Google Meet. While Google Meet will be our primary platform, there may be specific instances where we utilize Zoom.
What to Expect:
- Migration of existing meetings: Before February 1st, our staff will proactively transition any recurring standard meetings with your team from Zoom to Google Meet. You will receive calendar updates reflecting this change.
- If the Google Enterprise Solution is blocked by your organization, then please speak to your Account Managers to make MEDITECH aware. We will then ask that the customer utilize your virtual conferencing solutions.
- Troubleshooting meetings involving PHI: For troubleshooting sessions where PHI may be discussed and a recording is necessary; we kindly request that you, the customer, host the meeting using your video conferencing solution. This ensures that you retain control over the recording and its secure storage.
- To share the recording with us, please upload it to the designated PHI section of MEDITECH Circle. This centralized approach eliminates the risk of PHI being stored on individual devices, prioritizing data security.
- To help you familiarize yourself with Google Meet: See the Google Meet Training and help.
Multiple customer learning opportunities: These will continue to be scheduled, registered, and hosted utilizing the Zoom platform.